Episode Notes / Episodes

By Way of Introduction

There comes a point in everyone’s life when they have to make some choices about what they believe.

Whether you believe in something based on their upbringing or their instincts or personal experience… Or whether you have to have tangible, inconclusive proof… Or whether you’re like me and just put up with a mix of facts and instincts and subjective experiences… At the end of the day, you choose what you believe.

We all do.

I can’t prove that, of course — but I believe it.

I’ve seen a lot of strange things in my life.

I’ve seen ghosts. I’ve seen demons. I’ve even seen angels. I’ve seen creatures that don’t fit into any known species, genus, order, or class. I’ve seen things that have no place in this logical, ordered world of ours.

I’ve seen reality flicker and blur right in front of me. I’ve watched the physical world short circuit and refresh for a moment in-between the blink of an eye.

And, yes, I’ve seen gods.

I can’t prove any of this, of course — but I believe it.

You can skip this episode, if you want. There’s not a lot of mythology in it. It’s mostly just me babbling about faith and belief, with a little bit of weird drifting in around the edges.

Welcome to Find Your Gods. I’m glad you’re here.

— T.M. Camp


‡ You can listen to Episode Zero on iTunes or download the MP3 or AAC. ‡

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