The story of Persephone and Hades is a complicated one. It has fear, disappointment, anger, joy, love, wonder, and reconciliation.
No surprises there. It is, after all, the story of a marriage.
In this episode we take a little trip to the Underworld, getting better acquainted with Hades and taking a closer look at his courtship of Persephone.

‡ You can listen to Episode Four on iTunes, Soundcloud, or download the MP3 or AAC. ‡
The background music from this week’s episode is “Quabbin Haunt” from the album Distant Star by The Ten Thousand Things. The man behind TTTT is the most excellent Wes Covey and I can’t recommend his music highly enough.
Whether it’s the decaying atmospheric ephemera of The Ten Thousand Things or his most recent acoustic project The Serpent Eats His Tail, his work is well worth a listen.
Wes is great.
During this whole series, we’ve included links to organizations helping women and children around the world. Here’s the complete list:
- The National Center for Missing & Exploited Children
- Big Brothers and Big Sisters
- RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network)
Or there are plenty of charities and organizations in your community that could use your help. Please consider making a donation of your time or money. The impact of your small contribution can make a massive difference in someone’s life.